Volunteer Descriptions – Day 2 Judging Day

*Most jobs are done in teams*

Parking Assistant (9AM-1PM and/or 1PM-4PM and/or 4PM-6:30PM)
Qualities: Ability to stand for long periods outside and stay warm, good hearing, unflappable

  • Direct parking areas for those eligible.
  • Hand out maps to nearby parking structures and lots
  • Help students/teachers/parents find drop-off area and parking areas
  • Prevent traffic stoppage in the South Hall area of the Convention Center.

Category Judge Check-in Assistant (9AM – 1PM)
Qualities: Unflappable, careful with alpha and numbers

  • Mark list and pull file as judges check in

Judge Table Guides (11AM – 1PM)
Qualities: Good memory, sense of direction

  • Help judges find their tables in large meeting area

Door Monitors (1:45 – 6PM)
Qualities: Stern mien, disciplined, mostly sitting.

  • Prevent student participants from leaving before end of judging
  • Prevent unauthorized others from entering.

Shutdown Assistant (5PM – 7:30PM)
Qualities: Willing to work loading a storage van, patience

  • Help pack & carry fair materials back to vans for shut down of the fair.

Here is a list of available jobs for Day 1, Registration Day, March 12, 2025

*Most jobs are done in teams*

Hall setup and Signs Assistant (8-11:30AM, includes lunch)
Qualities: High energy, works well in teams

  • set out signs to mark tables for Teachers and Judges
  • Set out 900 place cards for student display locations
  • Rearrange chairs to match needs
  • Hang signs for directions

Step 1 Registration Assistant (11:30-6:30PM, includes lunch)
Qualities: Pleasant, good knowledge of alphabet

  • Pass out Name Badges, sitting job

Step 2 Registration Assistant (11:30-6:30PM, includes lunch)
Qualities: Quick with numbers, quick learner, unflappable

  • Job 1: Find correct application among hundreds, using project number code
  • Job 2: Direct students to appropriate line, based on SRC code of project

Step 3 Registration Assistant (11:30-6:30PM, includes lunch)
Qualities: Able to walk all over the exhibit hall, good sense of direction (pertains to Job 2)

  • Job 1: Assign Poster Board location on the exhibit floor (stationary)
  • Job 2: Direct students to appropriate table location on the display floor for the project board

Step 4 Registration Assistant (11:30-6:30PM, includes lunch)
Qualities: cheerful, patient, comfortable handling $$ transactions

  • sell SCVSEFA t-shirts; keep record of sales

Exhibit Hall Guides (11:30-6:30PM, includes lunch)
Qualities: High energy, good sense of direction, able to stand and move most of the afternoon

  • Help students/teachers/parents find place in huge exhibit hall
  • Direct them to exit via Step 4.

Parking Assistant (8AM-1PM, includes lunch and/or 1-4pm and/or 4-6:30PM)
Qualities: Authoritative, patient, good sense of direction, ability to stand for long periods outside, good hearing, unflappable

  • Direct parking areas for those eligible.
  • Hand out maps to nearby parking structures and lots
  • Help students/teachers/parents find drop-off area and parking areas
  • Prevent traffic stoppage in the South Hall area of the Convention Center

Project Setup Scanner (5PM-7:30PM)
Qualities: Stamina to brisk walk the display board hall

  • Brisk walk the entire display floor of South Hall, verifying project locations are correct
  • Verifying No-Show project boards

Winners of the Intel ISEF Competition in Phoenix, AZ were announced 5-17-13. Six of the 9 sponsored projects won category awards, and 5 of the 9 projects also won multiple special awards. Eesha Khare from Lynbrook High in San Jose won the $50,000 Intel Foundation Young Scientist Award.


The ISWEEEP awards are posted at http://isweeep.org/files/I-SWEEEP-2013-Category-Award-Winners.pdf. Both projects awarded eligibility to this competition from the Synopsys Championship won.

Gold Award: Arjun Balasingam; Engineering Category

Silver Award: Kriti Lall; Environment Category


Natalie Ng from Cupertino won the International BioGENEius Challenge 4-24-13 in Chicago. The prize is $7.5K cash. See news release.


Broadcom MASTERS competition: 13 projects from our fair won Semifinalist awards. see their website.


Michelle Xu from our fair won the State Merit Winner from California in the 2013 Discovery Education 3M Young Scientist Challenge.


Venkat Sankar, an 8th grader from Harker Middle School won a Finalist Award for his project Ecology or Economy: Managing the Impact of Infrastructure Projects on Endangered Species in the 2013 Google Science Fair.


Anin Sayana won the Grand Prize in Marvel’s Iron Man 3 Inventor and Innovator Fair, a national level competition. Anin Sayana ( Synopsys Championship and CSSF participant and winner for the past four years) entered his winning project at the National Science competition – Marvels’ Invention and Innovator Fair. It was sponsored by Marvel/Disney studios, Discovery Science Center and Visa Signature.
From the 800+ applications solicited, 30 semi-finalists were interviewed by 12 judges, and a panel of 4 judges chose 12 finalists across the nation who were invited to compete for the Grand Prize in Los Angeles ( Hollywood – El Capitan Theatre) May 1- May 3.   In addition, all the finalists also got to meet Robert Downey Jr. ( Ironman lead actor) as a surprise.

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Eesha Khare, 18, Lynbrook High School, San Jose,
Design and Synthesis of Hydrogenated TiO2-Polyaniline Nanorods for Flexible High-Performance Supercapacitors.
Awarding Organizations:

  • Intel Foundation Young Scientist Award – Young Scientist Award of $50,000
  • Intel ISEF – BEST IN CATEGORY AWARD $5000 in chemistry and & CATEGORY AWARD, $3000, 1st Place in Chemistry
  • Patent and Trademark Office Society – First Award of $250
  • American Chemical Society – Second Award of $3,000


Natalie Ng, 17, Monta Vista High School, Cupertino, California
Advancing Precision Medicine: MicroRNA Prognostic Signatures and Prediction Models for Distant Metastasis-Free Survival in Breast Cancer.
Awarding Organizations:

  • Intel ISEF – CATEGORY AWARD, 1st Place, $3000, in Medicine & Health Sciences
  • Arizona State University – Annual Scholarship, renewable for four years, in addition to a one-time $2,500 award to conduct research, sponsored by the Office of Knowledge Enterprise Development
  • China Association for Science and Technology (CAST) – $3000



Andrew Cheng Jin, 16, The Harker School, San Jose, California.
Breast Cancer Prognosis through Gene Expression Profiling and Tumor Morphology.
Awarding Organizations:

  • Intel ISEF – CATEGORY AWARD – 2nd place, $1500, in Medicine & Health Sciences
    American Statistical Association – Third Award of $250


David Andrew Zarrin, 18, Saratoga High School, Saratoga, California.
Turbopulse: A Resilient Hybrid Pulsating Turbine Jet Engine.
Awarding Organizations:

  • Intel ISEF – CATEGORY AWARD, 2nd Place, $1500 in Engineering: Electrical and Mechanical
  • International Council on Systems Engineering – INCOSE – Certificate of Honorable Mention
  • Society of Experimental Test Pilots – First Award of $1,000



Joy Qiu Jin, 15, Henry M. Gunn High School, Palo Alto, and
Thomas Michael Luh, 17, Leland High School, San Jose, California.
Hedgehog-Gli Signaling Promotes Cell Proliferation and Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition in Lung Cancer.
Awarding Organizations:

  • Intel ISEF – CATEGORY AWARD, 3rd Place Award $1000 in Cellular and Molecular Biology.



Colin Campbell Aitken, 17, Leland High School, San Jose, California.
Dots and Lines: A Combinatorial Interpretation of the Homotopy Groups of Finite Topologies.
Awarding Organizations:

  • Intel ISEF – CATEGORY AWARD, 4th place, $500, in Mathematical Sciences
  • American Committee for the Weizmann Institute of Science – All-expense paid four week trip and scholarship to the Bessie Lawrence International Summer Science Institute
  • American Mathematical Society – First Award of $1,000
  • European Organization for Nuclear Research-CERN – All-expense paid trip to tour CERN, including travel to Switzerland and France June 23 – June 28.


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Thank you to all the Judges, Students, Teachers, dedicated Volunteers, and Sponsoring Organizations who made the 54th Annual Synopsys Championship a success March 13, 2013. The Synopsys Championship Awards Ceremony was held on April 7.

Awards Ceremony photos from volunteers
Student Winners List by School
Student Winners List by Category
Teacher Awards
School Awards
ISEF Winners 2013
CSSF Winners 2013

Student Winners Summary

These are the Grand Prize winners of the Synopsys Championship announced at the Awards Ceremony at California’s Great America . They won an expense paid Trip to Intel International Science & Engineering Fair (Phoenix, AZ. May 12-17).

First Name Last Name grade School
Natalie Ng 11 Monta Vista High School
Andrew Jin 10 Harker School – Upper School Campus
Anika Radiya-Dixit 12 Harker School – Upper School Campus
ThomasJoy LuhJin 11 Leland High School[team project]
Swetha Revanur 9 Evergreen Valley High School
Colin Aitken 12 Leland High School
David Zarrin 12 Saratoga High School
Eesha Khare 12 Lynbrook High School
Nikhil Buduma 12 Bellarmine College Preparatory


These are the Grand Prize Alternate winners of the Synopsys Championship announced at the Awards Ceremony at California’s Great America. These high school students won an expense paid trip to the California State Fair. April 15-16, 2013 in Los Angeles.

First name Last Name grade School
Emily Wang 11 Gunn (Henry M.) High School
Shruthi Perati 11 Monta Vista High School
11 Live Oak High School [team project]
Sam Kumar 12 Leland High School
Alexander Powers 12 Bellarmine College Preparatory
Anjini Karthik 9 Saint Francis High School


These are the Middle School Special Prize winners of the Synopsys Championship announced at the Awards Ceremony at California’s Great America. These middle school students won an expense paid trip to the California State Fair. April 15-16, 2013 Los Angeles.

First name Last Name grade School
Ananya Karthik 6 Challenger – Sunnyvale
Utkarsh Tandon 7 Lawson Middle School
8  Kennedy (John F.) Middle School – Cupertino[team project]
Lucas Popescu 6 Miller Middle School
Sophia Harrison 7 Carden Academy of Almaden
Venkat Sankar 8 Harker School – Middle School Campus


The following students were Winners of the International Sustainable World (Engineering, Energy & Environment) Project Olympiad Award. The award is the opportunity to compete at the I-SWEEEP event May 8-12, 2013 in Houston, TX.

First name Last Name grade School
Kriti Lall 10 A Schmahl Science Workshop
Arjun Balasingam 11 Archbishop Mitty High School


Outstanding Teacher & School Awards were the following:

High School Top Schools (plaque award)
Lynbrook High School, San Jose
Monta Vista High School, Cupertino
Harker – Upper Campus, San Jose

Middle School Top Schools (plaque award)
Stratford Middle school, San Jose
JLS (Stanford) Middle School, Palo Alto
Stratford Middle School, Santa Clara

Top High School Teachers (plaque and cheque for $1000)
Amanda Alonzo (Lynbrook High School, San Jose)
Anuradha Sarkar (Leland High, San Jose)
Chris Spenner (Harker – Upper Campus, San Jose)

Top Middle School Teachers (plaque and cheque for $1000)
Neha Makhijani (Stratford Middle School – San Jose)
Thuy-Anh Nguyen (Challenger School , Sunnyvale)
Sumizah Qureshi (Granada Islamic School, Santa Clara)

Most Promising New teacher (plaque award)
Thomas Artiss (Harker Midddle School, San Jose)