Further Science Competitions

Competitions Which Require Participation in the Synopsys Championship

Thermo Fisher Scientific Junior Innovators Challenge (Formerly Broadcom MASTERS Competition)

The Thermo Fisher Scientific Junior Innovators Challenge (Math, Applied Science, Technology, and Engineering for Rising Stars) Competition. As a result of this affiliation, all projects in the Junior Division which receive a category award of First Place will be automatically qualified into the Thermo Fisher Scientific Junior Innovators Challenge. This is a nationwide competition for students in the sixth, seventh, and eighth grades. From the total entrant pool, the Top 300 semifinalists will be selected, including 40 Finalists who win an all-expense paid trip to Washington, D.C., where they will compete for awards and prizes, including the top education award of $25,000. Complete details are available at their website.

CSEF — California Science & Engineering Fair

Top ranked middle and high school projects (grades 6–12) will be invited to attend the California Science & Engineering Fair, based on (1) the quality of the project at the Championship (ranking by judges), and (2) the number of spaces allotted to SCVSEFA by CSEF. We have great news. Our allotment numbers have shown a steady increase based on our recent successes. Learn more: csef.usc.edu

Regeneron ISEF — International Science and Engineering Fair

The Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF), the world’s largest international pre-college science competition, provides an annual forum for more than 1800 high school students from over 75 countries, regions, and territories to showcase their independent research as they compete for more than $5 million annually. The Synopsys Championship typically sends 10 projects to this competition. http://www.societyforscience.org/isef/

Competitions Which DO NOT Require Participation in the Synopsys Championship

RISE Program

RISE Program, supported by the Rhodes Trust and Schmidt Futures. The program offers benefits including scholarships, mentorship, access to career development opportunities, funding, and more as Global Winners work toward solving humanity’s most pressing problems. Rise is open to students who are 15 to 17 years old. Students can learn more about the program here.

BioGENEius Challenge

The At-Large BioGENEius Challenge is a virtual competition available to high school students in the United States. Students in grades 9-12 may enter their life science/biotech-related regional fair projects provided they meet the criteria listed on the National competition website (www.biotechinstitute.org). Please note: There was not be a 2024 Bay Area BioGENEius Challenge.
Applications for 2025 are due: TBD

Spellman High Voltage Clean Tech Competition (sponsored by the Center for Science Teaching & Learning)

The  Clean Tech Competition is a research and design challenge for pre-college youth that builds on sound scientific understanding of real-world issues and the integration of science, English/language arts, mathematics, technology, the arts, and the design process to inspire all students toward achievement and make them aware of the impact of science and technology on the 21st century world. Each year, the competition will address a clean technology issue that is grounded in core technological competency areas and focuses on the next great engineering challenges. The competition is designed to foster a deeper understanding of science and technology, recognize outstanding talent, and prepare the next genertion of globally competitive innovators. For more details visit: https://krk.boo.mybluehost.me/home/

DE-YSC — Discovery Education/3M Young Scientist Challenge:

Middle school students create a 1-2 minute video describing a new innovation or solution that could solve or impact an everyday problem related to how we live, how we work or how we play. Ten finalists are chosen for their passion for science, spirit of innovation and communication skills
Learn more: https://www.youngscientistlab.com/

MIT THINK Competition

THINK stands for Technology for Humanity guided by Innovation, Networking, and Knowledge. The competition challenges high school students to take a refreshing approach to designing a technological solution to a social problem. Learn more. MIT THINK competition

Regeneron Science Talent Search

A Society for Science & the Public  affiliate,  the Regeneron Science Talent Search is the nation’s oldest and most prestigious science and math competition for high school seniors.  Students are selected based upon their scientific research and also on their overall potential as future leaders of the scientific community.  Regeneron STS

Stockholm Junior Water Prize Competition

The Stockholm Junior Water Prize is the world’s most prestigious youth award for a water-related science project. The prize taps into the unlimited potential of today’s high school students as they seek to address current and future water challenges. Any high school student (grade 9-12) with a water-related science project is eligible to participate in the Stockholm Junior Water Prize competition. Teams of up to three students may enter; however, only one state representative is guaranteed a trip to the national competition to present their team project. Stockholm Junior Water Prize