Application Limits

There are project application limits for high schools, middle schools, teachers and non-RRI organizations. If necessary, participating schools decide how to limit applications in order to meet these limits. 

See the Who Can Sponsor page about Parent sponsored projects.


  • 30 project applications for each middle school
  • 30 project applications for each high school

TEACHER APPLICATION LIMITS  are determined by a teacher’s scientific category award-winning projects from the previous fair that they sponsored. See the 2024 list of winning projects. Sponsored awards do not count in the total.

# projects that won category awards in prior year# sponsored projects allowed this year
04 (also applies to new teachers)
4 or more12

Teacher limits were modified in 2020:

  • 4 project applications for teachers with 0-1 category award-winning projects
  • 8 project applications for teachers with 2 or 3 category award-winning projects

RESEARCH CLASS LIMIT: up to an additional 36 project applications for participants in a high school research class.

SCIENCE CLUB OR EQUIVALENT: upon request, up to 20 additional project applications.

If a school does not have a research class but does have an after school science club or equivalent with active oversight, the person in charge may request up to 20 additional project applications from the SRC each year. Contact the Scientific Review Committee via the Contact Page.

NON-SCHOOL ORGANIZATION LIMIT: 30 project applications