2025 Synopsys Championship Award Ceremony & Winners

The 2025 Synopsys Championship Awards Ceremony is set for April 6th at the Heritage Theater in Campbell.  See the Winner Summary page for a list of students who will be invited to the ceremony.

The Awards Ceremony is an ‘Invitation Only’ event for each student plus 2 guests. Middle school students should arrive at 12:40 PM. High school students should arrive at 3:10 PM.

If any students have changed their email addresses since applying to the 2025 fair, they should notify fairmanager@science-fair.org at once.

If you are interested in attending the lecture (event flyer here) you can register on-line today Monday March 24th, or pay at the door. Advance tickets are $10 per person ($25 per family), or $15 at the door (cash or check). Lecture will take place at Immanuel Lutheran Church at 14103 Saratoga Avenue in Saratoga. Doors open at 6:30 PM; plenty of free parking. The lecture is sponsored by the Saratoga Historical Foundation and the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), and supported by the Stanford Alumni Club and the history societies of Mountain View, Sunnyvale, and Milpitas. Invite your friends! The admission fee benefits the Saratoga Historical Foundation.

Event Link and brief video: In-Person Lecture: “The Origins of Silicon Valley: Why and How It Happened Here”

The Summit STEM Fellowship is for rising 9th-12th grade students around the world. As a Summit STEM Fellow, students learn from top mentors at Harvard, Stanford, and MIT and explore diverse opportunities and career pathways in STEM. The fellowship is a 10-15 hour weekly commitment, allowing students to virtually participate alongside summer activities. Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis, and students are encouraged to apply as early as possible. Deadline is April 15. Financial aid is available. To learn more and apply, please visit www.summitstemfellowship.org. For any questions, please email info@summitstemfellowship.org

Congratulations to all the students who participated in the 2025 Synopsys Championship! A special thank you to our sponsors, teachers, and amazing volunteers for making the event a success. Stay tuned for the winners’ list!

Be sure you bring the following Forms on March 12th Check-In Day:

  • Project abstract (1 copy)
  • Compliance-Checklist
  • Project Notebook (optional for Middle School); hard copy, printed, or digital.
  • Form 1B from your application
  • Signed Assistance Disclosure Form
  • Signed Ethics Statement
  • Form 3 Risk Assessment Form (if your project requires it)
  • Form 1C Regulated Research Institutional / Industrial Setting Form (if your project requires it)
  • Form 7 Continuation Projects Form (if your project requires it)
  • Form 4 Human Participants Form from your application (if your project requires it)
  • Signed Human Informed Consent Forms (if your project requires them) (Fair Check-In Day ONLY) 
  • Forms 6A and 6B from your application (if your project requires it)
  • DO NOT BRING Forms 1, 1A, 2, 5A, 5B and Research Plan. They are NOT required at Check-In on March 12th.

Students should do a final check of their Judging Folders before judges start to review them. (1) Don’t use subfolders, don’t use Shortcuts(2) Use PDF documents and eliminate duplicates in other formats. (3) The Project Abstract should include your project code, title, name(s) and the link (those don’t count against the 250-word limit). (4) File names should include the project code. (5) Form 1C for RRI projects and Form 7 for Continuation projects should be included, but no other forms should be copied over from your Forms Folder.

The Assistance Disclosure Form must be signed and turned in on Fair Check-In Day, Wednesday, March 12th. Both the student and parent must review and sign. It is included in our Checklist of Printed Materials for Fair Check-In Day.

If the form is not signed by both the student and parent and turned in on Day 1 (March 12th) along with all the other required forms, the student badge, which is necessary for entry to the competition on March 13, will not be given to the student (or teacher).

This must be completed prior to check in (Group Check-In teachers are required to bring this completed form for each individual student). This form can be downloaded by clicking the link above or by visiting our website. 

Upload your project abstract to your Judging Folder, by 11:59pm tonight! Projects without an abstract will be withdrawn from the Championship. You must also upload Form 1C if you have an RRI project and Form 7 if you have a continuation project. No other forms belong in your Judging Folder. You will continue to have access to your Judging Folder to revise your abstract until March 6th, 11:59 PM.  Don’t use subfolders, don’t use Shortcuts. Use PDF documents only and eliminate duplicates in other formats.

Upload your project abstract to your Judging Folder (not your Forms Folder), by 11:59pm on March 3rd. Projects with no abstract will be withdrawn from the Championship. You must also upload Form 1C if you have an RRI project and Form 7 if you have a continuation project. No other forms belong in your Judging Folder. You will continue to have access to your Judging Folder to revise your abstract until March 6th, 11:59 PM.  Don’t use subfolders, don’t use Shortcuts. Use PDF documents only and eliminate duplicates in other formats.