Synopsys Championship Project Status

A. Martinka, Santa Clara High School

Application accepted (what does this mean?)
GandhiSerena 11thI50112-B11-F1TentacAI: An AI-Driven Squid-Inspired Soft Robot for Coral Health Monitoring, Stress Mitigation, & Ecosystem Restoration (Physical Science and Engineering, Chemical and Environmental Engineering)
MaheskumarNandana 11thK45112-B41-31Agri-Nutrient Profiling: A Multi-Sensor System Using CNN and RNN for N&P Analysis via Time-Series Data and Plant Imagery (Physical Science and Engineering, Chemical and Environmental Engineering)
Application incomplete/see your teacher (what does this mean?)
CherukuriSahithi 11thI49112-B71-81Autonomous UAV-AUV Hybrid for Extraterrestrial Plant Health Management, Artificial Reproduction & Gene Response Analysis (Physical Science and Engineering, Chemical and Environmental Engineering)