| | | | | |
Prakash | Rhea | 7th | H39 | 072-B70-11 | Efficiency of Fuel Cells (Physical Science and Engineering, Chemical and Environmental Engineering) |
Sheng | Alexis | 6th | C44 | 061-720-G1 | What combination of materials and design features create a comfortable, absorbent, non-toxic sanitary pad? (Biological Science and Engineering, Biomedical Engineering) |
Papadimitriou | Evangelos | 8th | K72 | 082-F21-61 | A Bidirectional Pulley Stair Lift with Assisted Mobility for Paraplegics (Physical Science and Engineering, Mechanical Engineering) |
| | | L57 | 082-F41-F1 | A Bidirectional Stair Lift for Assisted Mobility and Accessibility (Physical Science and Engineering, Mechanical Engineering) |
Bererton | Theo | 6th | H40 | 062-F60-51 | Effect of Different Coastal Defenses on Wave Overtopping (Physical Science and Engineering, Mechanical Engineering) |
Iyer | Nirav | 7th | H38 | 072-B80-D2 | Flex-o-form, the designing of an expanding, multipurpose bag (Physical Science and Engineering, Chemical and Environmental Engineering) |
Sawhney | Diya | 7th | H36 | 072-F90-B2 | Infrastructural Electromagnetic Suspension (Physical Science and Engineering, Mechanical Engineering) |
Somavarapu | Adhwaith Sai | 7th | H38 | 072-B80-D2 | Flex-o-form, the designing of an expanding, multipurpose bag (Physical Science and Engineering, Chemical and Environmental Engineering) |
Vijay | Shravan | 7th | H36 | 072-F90-B2 | Infrastructural Electromagnetic Suspension (Physical Science and Engineering, Mechanical Engineering) |
Xu | Leo | 6th | J45 | 062-F30-H1 | Improving the Sound Quality of Cheap Microphones (Physical Science and Engineering, Mechanical Engineering) |