Synopsys Championship Project Status

Dr. J. Noble, BASIS Independent Silicon Valley School

Application accepted (what does this mean?)
SharmaDhruv 11thI48111-522-51FIBER: Real-Time Neurofeedback System for Fibromyalgia Pain Management Using EEG-Based Closed-Loop Control (Biological Science and Engineering, Computational Biology and Bioinformatics)
SharmaManasi 11thK47111-611-31Autisight: Optimized Machine Learning Approach to detect ASD in MRI Scans (Biological Science and Engineering, Biomedical and Health Science)
Application received/awaiting review for completeness (what does this mean?)
LiPatrick 11thG60114-D10-31Solving Periodic Celestial Orbits with A Novel Collocation Method: Application to the Restricted Three-Body Problem (RRI Physical Science and Engineering, Physics and Astronomy)