Synopsys Championship Project Status

Mr. A. Tan, Santa Clara High School

Application accepted (what does this mean?)
CherukupalliAbhiram 10thC64102-E10-72Sound to Sine - Transforming Music to Vibrations Via a Wearable Device Utilizing Vibrotactile Technology (Physical Science and Engineering, Electrical Engineering)
DoschKimai 10thC64102-E10-72Sound to Sine - Transforming Music to Vibrations Via a Wearable Device Utilizing Vibrotactile Technology (Physical Science and Engineering, Electrical Engineering)
TirumalaRajiv 10thC64102-E10-72Sound to Sine - Transforming Music to Vibrations Via a Wearable Device Utilizing Vibrotactile Technology (Physical Science and Engineering, Electrical Engineering)
Application incomplete/see your teacher (what does this mean?)
AlexiasRicky Rex 9thC69102-C30-F2Using Aerial Image Detection For Crop Protection Against Crows and Ravens (Physical Science and Engineering, Earth and Environmental Science)
GorayaSeraj Singh 10thC69102-C30-F2Using Aerial Image Detection For Crop Protection Against Crows and Ravens (Physical Science and Engineering, Earth and Environmental Science)
VenkateshSaarang 9thC69102-C30-F2Using Aerial Image Detection For Crop Protection Against Crows and Ravens (Physical Science and Engineering, Earth and Environmental Science)