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Cherukupalli | Abhiram | 10th | C64 | 102-E10-72 | Sound to Sine - Transforming Music to Vibrations Via a Wearable Device Utilizing Vibrotactile Technology (Physical Science and Engineering, Electrical Engineering) |
Dosch | Kimai | 10th | C64 | 102-E10-72 | Sound to Sine - Transforming Music to Vibrations Via a Wearable Device Utilizing Vibrotactile Technology (Physical Science and Engineering, Electrical Engineering) |
Tirumala | Rajiv | 10th | C64 | 102-E10-72 | Sound to Sine - Transforming Music to Vibrations Via a Wearable Device Utilizing Vibrotactile Technology (Physical Science and Engineering, Electrical Engineering) |
Alexias | Ricky Rex | 9th | C69 | 102-C30-F2 | Using Aerial Image Detection For Crop Protection Against Crows and Ravens (Physical Science and Engineering, Earth and Environmental Science) |
Goraya | Seraj Singh | 10th | C69 | 102-C30-F2 | Using Aerial Image Detection For Crop Protection Against Crows and Ravens (Physical Science and Engineering, Earth and Environmental Science) |
Venkatesh | Saarang | 9th | C69 | 102-C30-F2 | Using Aerial Image Detection For Crop Protection Against Crows and Ravens (Physical Science and Engineering, Earth and Environmental Science) |