Synopsys Championship Project Status

Mr. D. Stavis, Cupertino High School

Application accepted (what does this mean?)
RajagopalanMridula 9thE39092-B30-41Water: An Energy Source: Device producing H2 using H2O and Al nanoparticles in GaAl alloy for on demand energy (Physical Science and Engineering, Chemical and Environmental Engineering)
Application incomplete/see your teacher (what does this mean?)
WongZoe Hin Ching11thC87112-H40-81Self-Synchronizing Dynamic Multi-Camera Cluster for Amphibious Swimming Pose and Kinematics Tracking (Physical Science and Engineering, Software Engineering)
Waiting for SRC/IRB review (what does this mean?)
DeepakVishresh 11thD49111-730-52Neuropod: An Arduino-Based Mastoid EEG Device Integrating Reinforcement Learning for Tracking Neurodegenerative Diseases (Biological Science and Engineering, Biomedical Engineering)
KrishnaswamyNikhil 11thD49111-730-52Neuropod: An Arduino-Based Mastoid EEG Device Integrating Reinforcement Learning for Tracking Neurodegenerative Diseases (Biological Science and Engineering, Biomedical Engineering)
MukherjeeAnika Indu11thD49111-730-52Neuropod: An Arduino-Based Mastoid EEG Device Integrating Reinforcement Learning for Tracking Neurodegenerative Diseases (Biological Science and Engineering, Biomedical Engineering)