Synopsys Championship Project Status

Ms. J. Bui, Merryhill School - Milpitas

Application incomplete/see your teacher (what does this mean?)
DemblaKrish 6thJ41062-B30-E2Helio-Still (Physical Science and Engineering, Chemical and Environmental Engineering)
PradeepHarikrishnan 6thJ41062-B30-E2Helio-Still (Physical Science and Engineering, Chemical and Environmental Engineering)
ZhouJinghan 6thJ41062-B30-E2Helio-Still (Physical Science and Engineering, Chemical and Environmental Engineering)
Project Not Qualified (what does this mean?)
LiAnne 6thK99062-F50-82Hydraulic-Powered Arm (Physical Science and Engineering, Mechanical Engineering)
mishraRiya 6thK99062-F50-82Hydraulic-Powered Arm (Physical Science and Engineering, Mechanical Engineering)
Application received/awaiting review for completeness (what does this mean?)
AravindRishabh 6thH72062-E30-72ROBOGRIP (Physical Science and Engineering, Electrical Engineering)
JabbarAaron 6thH72062-E30-72ROBOGRIP (Physical Science and Engineering, Electrical Engineering)
KukdeArya 6thJ75061-260-52Ecosmart Plant Care (Biological Science and Engineering, Plant Science)
PaderthiVihasith 6thH72062-E30-72ROBOGRIP (Physical Science and Engineering, Electrical Engineering)
RodeTanvi 6thJ75061-260-52Ecosmart Plant Care (Biological Science and Engineering, Plant Science)
TruongChloe 6thJ75061-260-52Ecosmart Plant Care (Biological Science and Engineering, Plant Science)