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Jagani | Bhavish Kumar | 8th | H22 | 082-B31-H1 | An Autonomous and Vision-Controlled Robotic Oil Spill Cleanup using advanced LiDAR technology (Physical Science and Engineering, Chemical and Environmental Engineering) |
Shankar | Prasanna | 7th | H21 | 071-230-31 | What is the effect of different species of mushrooms on the amount of oil broken down in soil and the quality of air? (Biological Science and Engineering, Plant Science) |
Soparkar | Esha | 7th | G99 | 072-C40-51 | What is the effect of shapes of a rotor blade and the wind speed on the weight a wind turbine can haul? (Physical Science and Engineering, Earth and Environmental Science) |
Grover | Ayaan | 7th | K26 | 072-A70-91 | What is the effect of various hydrophobic substances sprayed on the amount of water (in milliliters) collected? (Physical Science and Engineering, Chemistry) |
Saini | Rishaan | 8th | H14 | 082-F11-A1 | The machine that uses waves, wind, the sun, and underwater currents to generate electricity (Physical Science and Engineering, Mechanical Engineering) |
Chauhan | Daksh Singh | 8th | H19 | 082-E60-H1 | Headband for the Visually Impaired (Physical Science and Engineering, Electrical Engineering) |
Ramakrishnan | Keshav | 7th | H46 | 072-D20-51 | Hyperloop: Eco Friendly Transportation of the Future (Physical Science and Engineering, Physics and Astronomy) |
Shahabdeen | Anaya | 7th | H15 | 072-F80-G1 | The Regenerator - using Stirling engine to generate power (Physical Science and Engineering, Mechanical Engineering) |
Mitra | Abhimanyu | 8th | H13 | 082-F70-51 | A Prototype of a Photonic-Quantum Calculator Replacing the Need for Qubits Using a Diffractive Neural Network (Physical Science and Engineering, Mechanical Engineering) |