Synopsys Championship Project Status

T. Nguyen, Archbishop Mitty High School

Application accepted (what does this mean?)
BelurSudhanva 10thC56102-B20-B1A Novel Chemical Method of Degradation of Microplastics in Water Utilizing Sodium Hydroxide and Dimethyl Sulfoxide (Physical Science and Engineering, Chemical and Environmental Engineering)
KadakiaVarini Manish11thB97112-H70-D1Hybrid Generative Artificial Intelligence Trajectory Prediction Model for UAVs (Physical Science and Engineering, Software Engineering)
KherSiyona 10thE81101-420-F1Bacteria in the Spotlight: Effect of Photolyase in Repairing DNA Damage from UV Light in E.coli (Biological Science and Engineering, Biochemistry/Microbiology)
Application incomplete/see your teacher (what does this mean?)
ChakravarthyRaaghav 11thB48112-H20-G1SyntheticPast: An AI-Powered Application for Comprehensive Event-Specific Primary Source Based Visualization (Physical Science and Engineering, Software Engineering)
RizalAryn Alexandra11thE37111-220-G1The Effect of Substrate with Polyethylene Compared to Organic Material on the Tensile Strength of Mycelium Leather (Biological Science and Engineering, Plant Science)