Synopsys Championship Project Status

Ms. D. Rusu, Challenger Middlefield - Palo Alto

Application accepted (what does this mean?)
DusankarShruti 8thH10082-E42-41Into the Unknown: A MagPro Journey (Physical Science and Engineering, Electrical Engineering)
SrivastavaSaksham 7thI34071-730-E1RoboSaver: The Future for Diabetes Management (Biological Science and Engineering, Biomedical Engineering)
TongSophie 8thJ71082-H13-71Investigating the Visual Information Degradation in Adverse Weather (Physical Science and Engineering, Software Engineering)
WuLucas 8thF31081-760-41A Novel Machine Learning Approach to Classify Breast Histopathological Images (Biological Science and Engineering, Biomedical Engineering)
Project Failed to Qualify (what does this mean?)
TongSophie 8thD35081-421-81Investigating the Effect of Color on Scene Perception Accuracy Under Imperfect Visual Perception Conditions (Biological Science and Engineering, Biochemistry/Microbiology)