Synopsys Championship Project Status

Mrs. K. Shreve, Homestead High School

Application accepted (what does this mean?)
GaywalaAayush Nayan10thJ18101-513-51Virtual Screening of Drug Candidates for Malaria Using Machine Learning (Biological Science and Engineering, Computational Biology and Bioinformatics)
GomesArmaan Christopher11thH26111-780-31Clear: Utilizing Glasses-Embedded Beamformers to Enhance Speech Clarity and Spatial Context for the Hearing Impaired (Biological Science and Engineering, Biomedical Engineering)
KimJesse Tae11thJ67112-E21-32Experimental Approach to Automating IR Navigation and Procedures Using MEMS (Physical Science and Engineering, Electrical Engineering)
ThomasEthan Sarin11thJ67112-E21-32Experimental Approach to Automating IR Navigation and Procedures Using MEMS (Physical Science and Engineering, Electrical Engineering)
WuShannon 10thH72102-F11-F1A Biomimetic Solution to Noise Pollution in Residential Areas (Physical Science and Engineering, Mechanical Engineering)