Synopsys Championship Project Status

Ms. I. Miao, Evergreen Valley High School

Application accepted (what does this mean?)
GarimellaRaghav Venkata11thJ93111-513-71Leveraging Deep Learning Models to Identify Structurally Adequate Drug Candidates for Parkinson's Disease (Biological Science and Engineering, Computational Biology and Bioinformatics)
ManamalaHarsha 11thI37112-H58-42Emergency Response Aerial Reconnaissance System: Utilizing Infrared Technology for Precision Human Localization (Physical Science and Engineering, Software Engineering)
PitreIshaan 11thI37112-H58-42Emergency Response Aerial Reconnaissance System: Utilizing Infrared Technology for Precision Human Localization (Physical Science and Engineering, Software Engineering)
ThumbraguddiTanish 11thI37112-H58-42Emergency Response Aerial Reconnaissance System: Utilizing Infrared Technology for Precision Human Localization (Physical Science and Engineering, Software Engineering)