Synopsys Championship Project Status

Mr. D. Nunez, Homestead High School

Application accepted (what does this mean?)
BenganiDiya 12thJ78122-F30-D1GUI for Real-Time Force and Kinematics Data Using Low-Cost Instrumented Sensors and a Nonlinear Data Model (Physical Science and Engineering, Mechanical Engineering)
BhargavaDhruv 11thG85112-H85-F2Enhancing Muscle Activation: Optimization, Detection and Form Refinement in Resistance Training through Machine Learning (Physical Science and Engineering, Software Engineering)
CismaruAlexandru Thomas11thI76111-592-B1Using Transformer Machine Learning Models on EEG Data to Aid the Diagnosis of ADHD in Children (Biological Science and Engineering, Computational Biology and Bioinformatics)
DaleDylan 11thJ25112-H96-A1Applying Unsupervised Learning Techniques to Automated EEG Artifact Removal and Seizure Detection (Physical Science and Engineering, Software Engineering)
TalElad 11thG85112-H85-F2Enhancing Muscle Activation: Optimization, Detection and Form Refinement in Resistance Training through Machine Learning (Physical Science and Engineering, Software Engineering)
YuanSamuel 11thH53114-D60-H1SuperDiff: Diffusion Models for Conditional Generation of Hypothetical Superconductors (RRI Physical Science and Engineering, Physics and Astronomy)
Project Withdrawn (what does this mean?)
WangChloe 10thK83102-H66-31Advancing EEG Analytics: Biomarker for Major Depressive Disorder Detection (Physical Science and Engineering, Software Engineering)